Estate Planning Issues for the Modern Family As the name suggests, ABC’s TV show Modern Family depicts the relationships and experiences between a fictional extended family. Throughout the course of the series, the show addresses many issues that families deal with each day. For a close-knit family such as this fictional one, estate planning is…

Most families are happy families. They get together for the holidays, share laughs, and tell stories. Everyone gets along and enjoys each other’s company. Then, the matriarch or patriarch dies. Suddenly, years of pent-up resentment and hurt feelings bubble to the surface, and the once-happy family is now embroiled in litigation over the decedent’s estate….

Sadly, most Americans are indifferent to estate planning – at best – or completely ignore the issue – at worst. When it comes to estate planning, however, there are just some mistakes that you cannot afford to make. Below are five of the most critical estate planning mistakes: Not having any estate plan. This is…

While everyone is celebrating during this holiday season, the manner of these celebrations can vary based on differing family traditions, religions, and geographic regions. Estate planning is no different—protecting your family’s future must be customized to fit your and your family’s unique needs. No matter your level of wealth, it is important to understand that…

The holidays are right around the corner, bringing the joyous season of gathering with family and loved ones into full swing. It is the time to slow down, get caught up with loved ones, and enjoy the family and experience quality time around the dinner table. It is also a great idea to take this…

Baby boomers – the first generation tasked with the responsibility of planning for and funding their golden years. This generation, which includes individuals born between 1946 and 1964, have entered and continue to enter into retirement. As they make this financial transition, many are learning that they have made some of the most typical estate…

No one enjoys discussing death and dying, yet it’s an inevitable event in everyone’s life and a time for which we know we need to prepare. While many people have the desire to share their wishes, something often prevents people from openly communicating with their families. As an important part of estate planning, desired healthcare…

Many people think that if they die while they are married, everything they own automatically goes to their spouse or children. They’re actually thinking of state rules that apply if someone dies without leaving a will. In legal jargon, this is referred to as “intestate.” In that case, the specifics will vary depending on each…

There is a common misconception that estate plans are only for the ultra-rich—i.e., the “top 1 percent,” 10%, 20%, or some other arbitrary determination of “enough” money.  In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. People at all incomes and wealth levels can benefit from a comprehensive estate plan. Sadly, many have not sat…